Družba EKOGREEN d.o.o. je mlada in hitrorastoča gospodarska družba s sedežem v Ljubljani. Skozi svojo kratko zgodovino je uspela vzpostaviti pristne poslovne odnose s proizvajalci in pooblaščenimi distributerji globalno priznanih blagovnih znamk, kot so Robert Bosch GmbH, Knauf Insulation, Samsung, Sony, Philips. Ob ustanovitvi, leta 2010, je bila firma družbe BVLTD d.o.o., vendar se je kasneje, z vstopom na področje zelenih tehnologij, preimenovala v EKOGREEN d.o.o.. Divizija EKOGREEN na trgih JV Evrope, Bližnjega vzhoda in ZDA testira nove produkte in tehnologije, ki pripomorejo k varovanju našega okolja, razvija distribucijsko mrežo in skrbi za komercializacijo teh.

Družba EKOGREEN d.o.o. skupaj s potencialnimi partnerji na trgih Bližnjega vzhoda in ZDA, v različnih aplikacijah testira in promovira substrate iz kamene volne podjetja Knauf Insulation d.o.o.
The professional blue power tools from Bosch for trade and industry meet the highest standards in speed, precision and robustness to provide great work results.
Production tools
EKOGREEN d.o.o. is Bosch specialist dealer for production tools in Slovenia
High-frequency tools:
The brushless three-phase motor technology is vastly superior to other tools for grinding. These tools excel due to their extremely long life and inexpensive power application.
EXACT production screwdrivers:
The production screwdrivers offer much more than just a robust housing. High accuracy and repeatability are guaranteed, even after 1 million screws.
Air tools:
Their main advantage is their small, lightweight design. This makes these tools very handy. The robust design allows for very hard industrial use. They excel due to their handiness and innovative details.
Power tools for trade
Bosch develops innovative, high-quality power tools with which you are guaranteed to achieve professional results in all trades. Tools are reliable, powerful and robust, meeting the highest demands and making work easier for you. Intelligent lithium-ion tools enable you to work independently of cables – maximum freedom of movement with maximum power.
Whatever you plan to do – you can rely on original accessories from Bosch. You are guaranteed to find the appropriate accessory for your tools.
DIY is twice the fun with the right power tool. And with Bosch you not only have more possibilities, you also work much more precisely, flexibly, safely and with more power. Our tools will impress you with their quality, first-class handling and state-of-the-art technology. You can build whatever you want with Bosch.
Bring your garden to life with Bosch garden tools. With Bosch garden tools, you are always at the forefront of technology. You will find that garden tools from Bosch are more comfortable to hold, use and manoeuvre than ever before – enabling you to complete the work in your house and garden with greater ease.
Versatile system tools. With a Dremel Tool, you can do many things without restriction.
Skil is a concept of simplicity, innovation and quality. These principles are the basis for the extraordinary tool that differs from others in design, technology and ease of use.
Distribution of consumer electronics is our second branch of wholesale division. We are present in Slovenia as well on major EU markets. We specialise in A-brands like Samsung, Sony, Philips,… with our main focus on audio-video segment like televisions, home theater systems and projectors.
One of our advantages are steady and reliable connections with a number of distributors. We strive to satisfy the least of your needs with exact and fast response. We work only with the best forwarding agencies that provide services on a higher level so that all parties can benefit from the cooperation.
Kje nas najdete?
Ulica gledališča BTC 10
BTC City, hala 7
1000 Ljubljana
ID DDV: SI36658936
Matična številka: 3828271000
Telefon: +386 (0) 59 943 605
E-pošta: info@ekogreen.si
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